Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The Title sequence so far...

This is what we had to show during the crit. We received mostly positive comments about the drawings and the time in which we had done it. On the negative side it was said that the absence of music slowed the film down, which we very much agreed with. When the music is added it will lift the sequence up and bring it too life. Nina also suggested that we could add an opening scene to take us into the film. on 19th March we filmed an opening sequence round one of Hannah's friends house named Hattie. We began with a panning shot from the window to Hattie laying in bed early morning. She gets up and goes downstairs to get a glass of water and looks out the window. Her friend was also present at the time she played the part of Layla's sister, waking Layla up from out of bed.

When trying to upload our footage at school the next day, we discovered that the tape had screwed up and we only had the end half of our footage. We were very frustrated at this point because we are so close to the deadline and we needed to get this done. So the following week we made arrangements to film again. We did the same as before, only this time Hattie's friend was not round so we didn't have the sister role. Instead i called her to wake up from outside the room.

Our plan is to edit tomorrow at lunch time, which shouldn't take us long as we only have around a minutes worth of footage. As it is trouble for Kirsty to put her music which she made for us onto the mac, we are going to ask Ian Elmsley, a drama teacher at the school to help us out. We will burn what we have onto a DVD and ask him to watch it so he can make a theme on piano to match the image shown. This week we also need to do a extend the shot of the title "Layla's Star," make a DVD commentary for our opening titles and write a short evaluation on our blogs. A very busy week lies ahead!!

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Well last week we once again had problems with the film and almost lost it! but luckily the almighty gerry found it! Still, the film hasnt got a music track and we have been testing out differnt tracks that we can download copyright free from websites. We were listening to music box and xylophone tracks which are childish and twinkly which is what we was going for, but when we added the songs to the film, it didnt mix. The music seemed out of place, it didnt fit the images shown. So we are a bit stumped with our music choice at this moment. We are presenting the sequence to the class and im not very happy with what we have to show knowing that it is incomplete.