This is our storyboard for the opening of our animated film Laura's Star. Last monday we drew each shot on a piece of sticky note paper and layed them out in order on the table. Unfortunatly taranpreet wasnt with us today, but we managed to film each shot of the storyboard to give us an idea of what our film will look like. In the story, Laura finds a broken star on the floor outside her house and she fixes it back together. In the morning she discovers that the star had disappeared and she is upset, but at night the star reappears and she understands that the star can only come out at night. Laura ties some balloons to the star to take it back up to where it belongs.Hannah and i uploaded the film and edited it on i-movie. We cut out unwanted parts so that is flowed more evenly, and even added sound effects like a sparkle for the star and a splash for a puddle. It does seem a little cheesy, but hey its from a childrens storybook, so i don't think theres anything wrong with a little magic touch :)
Monday, 15 December 2008
continuity final cut.
When looking back over the film we noticed that in shot 2 of lewis, that the view is not coming from charlotte's perspective, it was just an angle by the camera for the viewer. If we would be moving charlottes position it would be breaking this rule. We cut out the slow tilt up to Lewis to get just the mid shot of him delivering his line.
Our Team Continuity Sequence - 1st Cut
This is our continuity sequence for the exam board. Brief: someone had to enter a
room and exchange dialogue with another person. However we was not allowed to break the 180 degree rule and we had to keep the continuity so that it flowed.We used Charlotte to enter the room and play cards with lewis. Beforehand Hannah taranpreet and myself created a stroyboard to plan this and we basically stuck to it. We did not make a script for our two characters because we wanted to keep the sequence natural, we just told them that Charlotte would arrive late and that they would play cards on the table. This is our first cut in i-movie.
Thursday, 4 December 2008

Animation Titles
Genre: children's/family film
We will start the film in the real world as normal and then to go into an animated world, to give a storybook/childish feel to the film. This idea came from the film Elf which is one of my favourite Christmas films .
ELF (2003)

This film begins in animation. snowflakes fly across the screen, to reveal titles,which is like our star will do. There is a book which opens and the picture turns to real life. Later on in the clip at about 2 minutes in, the book opens up into a pop up book. This part is kept quite simple but it is still looks beautiful, which proves that you don't have to over complicate the animation to make it work. The pages of the book turn and a name appears on each page along with some snowflakes blown across. The camera glides along the pages of the book showing the viewer colourful drawings inside the book of elfs and toys. 3D animation is also used int this opening sequence; there is a penguin, a polar bear and a walrus.
These characters move about, talk and sometimes interact with the text. In one shot the penguin pulls along a sign with credits on. When it has finished the pages ofthe book flutter to the end and as the final page blows away we are cut to the real world again inside an orphanage.
From looking at this clip i would like to use the flying snowflake idea, but with a star, to relate to the story. The images that we are going to draw will be colourful and childlike like the pictures in this opening scene.
JUNO (2007)

This is an example of how animation is developing today. At the begining a girl named Juno walks along the street drinking sunny D,minding her own business. When Juno steps past a tree and comes past the other side, her world turns into a series of colourful drawings. The house behind is in a block colour with simple lines and Juno's clothes look like they have been coloured in. It is likeshe has stepped into another carefree and simple world. The film is " a comedy about growing up... and all the bumps along the way" so it shows Juno in a young and playful environment because she is still a teenage girl. It sets the tone for the rest of the film. Juno walks through the neighbourhood in the whole sequence with nothing fazing her.
The credits appear behind her on buildings, on fences, beside her face and on the pavement. The film makers asked Shadow play to make the opening titles for Juno which also made the titles for Thank you for smoking, another Jason Reitman film. This handmade sequence hundreds of photos would have been taken of (Juno) walking down the neighbourhood and then colouring in the photos using Adobe After Effects.
I found this website very intersting and helpful, it gives a video tutorial on how the titles were made:)!
Monday, 1 December 2008
The BIG Picture