Monday, 1 December 2008

The BIG Picture

Today we looked at the "Big Picture" created a mind map filled with ideas. I wrote down examples of animated opening titles like catch me if you can. we also included animation from music videos like D.A.N.C.E by Justice where by the t-shirts have animated images which are constantly moving and changing and a video on Teamedia by a previous student Hannah Bingham's Black Horse and the Cherry Tree video, where she drew pictures of a beating heart, chattering teeth, and moving footsteps. We also began looking into the music. We wish to create a piece of music on the macs to use in the opening, something magical and childlike, along the lines of twinkle twinkle little star.

This is my mindmap :)

Through are ideas we decided to go with the children's/ family genre so that we could make young and playful drawings. It is also a genre that is not often used so i think it will be a challenge, but very fun :) We have chosen to use the storyline from the book "Laura's Star." In the story a little girl finds a fallen star and she looks after it and puts it back into the sky. We will shoot as normal, in the real world with a girl looking out of her window at the stars and as we zoom into the star, it will turn to animation and drop down from the sky.

The titles will appear on the screen and the star will guide you round. The star will also act as a wipe so that we can cut to different parts. The animated images will interact with text, For example the writers name will appear on the pillow, or even when the girl shines her torch the text lights up. When the titles have finished the film will resume ack in the real world.

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